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When Should You Have a Protein Shake?

Protein shakes can be a quick and convenient way of getting your body the protein it needs to reach your health objectives. But when is the best time to take them for maximum effect?

Well, it depends on your goals.

If you’re trying to lose weight

protein for weight loss

It’s well known that consuming more protein can help you lose fat. Substituting high-carb or fat-based foods with equivalent quantities of protein-rich food decreases your appetite and helps you feel fuller for longer.(1)(2) A good protein shake (like Heyday’s The Fit One shake!) can be a very convenient, tasty, lower-calorie substitute for those high-carb or fat-based snacks you might be having in between meals. It’ll leave you much more satisfied, too.

Having a protein shake for breakfast is also a great way to help you lose weight. Having protein in the morning will kickstart your metabolism early, allowing your body to burn more calories throughout the day.(3) A protein-rich breakfast will also help stop you from snacking before lunch.

If you’re trying to build, tone or strengthen muscles

protein for muscle building

If you’re looking to support your muscle building, strengthening or toning programme, the key is to hit your personal target total amount of protein per day. This amount is calculated based on your weight and level of activity.

Remember, strength training causes lots of small tears in your muscles – the harder you train, the more tears will happen. But don’t worry, your body then uses protein and other nutrients you feed it to repair itself and rebuild stronger.

In terms of the ideal time to consume protein and support this building process, studies have shown that the period ranging from just before your workout to 2 hours afterwards is best, especially if it’s been a while since you last had any protein.(4) This time period is sometimes referred to as the anabolic window, and is when your muscles will be most crying out for that first dose of protein and other nutrients they need to grow and rebuild.

It may not be convenient to eat a full pre-workout or post-workout meal during this time frame, which is why a protein shake is a perfect alternative. It’s quick, effective, and quickly absorbed – just what your muscles need if there’s still a while to go until your next meal.

But don’t sweat it. If you really can’t fit in a protein fix within this time frame, your muscles can still benefit from a steady stream of protein and nutrients afterwards. In fact, studies have estimated that the muscles’ rebuilding process can continue for up to 48 hours after a workout.(5) So, keep that protein coming!

If you’re trying to maintain muscles

protein for maintaining muscle

If you’re not looking to build, but rather just maintain healthy and toned muscles, getting enough protein is still key.(6) We still lose muscle fibres naturally through daily activities, so replacing and repairing them with protein is still essential.

But it’s not just about getting the correct amount of protein per day. It’s also important that this amount is spaced out properly throughout the day. Studies have shown that your body can only absorb between 20-30g of it at a time, so there’s little point in trying to consume all of your daily protein requirement in one go. Keeping it spaced out as a steady stream is much more effective.(7)

HeyDay’s The Fit One protein shake has been designed to provide roughly this many grams (25g to be precise) of high quality protein per serving, helping you hit that target quickly and easily.

If you’re trying to increase your endurance during exercise

protein for endurance training

Studies show that consuming protein alongside carbs during and after endurance exercise can increase performance.(8) This works by reducing feelings of soreness and muscle breakdown that occurs during exercise.

Eat a good pre-workout meal containing carbs and some protein ahead of your session in order to give your muscles the fuel needed to perform at their best. The more fuel you give your body, the harder you’ll be able to push it during your workout. Feeding it well afterwards will also lead to much better recovery and improvements in your body’s capabilities and future performance.

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