It’s pretty well known that protein can help you gain muscle. But did you know it’s really effective at helping you lose fat, too?
Losing fat while maintaining muscle, otherwise known as improving your “body composition”, is a great way of getting that fit, healthy, toned body you’ve always wanted.
So how can protein help you with that?

1. Eating protein keeps you feeling fuller for longer
Eating protein releases the hormones responsible for making you feel full and satisfied after eating, GIP and GLP-1, and reduces your body’s production of the hunger hormone, ghrelin.(1)
This hormonal change means you will naturally feel like eating less, without having to put yourself through those painful and forced calorie restrictions common in other diets.
For example, a study showed that consuming 20% more protein at the expense of carb or fat-based foods led to an automatic big fall in average daily calorie intake among participants, by around 441 kcal per day, or around 20% of RDI, without any imposed calorie restrictions!(2)
2. Digesting protein burns more calories

The process of digesting and extracting nutrients from foods requires energy. This is called the thermic effect of food (TEF).
It’s estimated that protein has a much higher TEF score (20-35%) compared to carbs or fat (5-15%). (2). That means that for every 100 calories worth of protein you consume, only 65-80 are actually used by your body, and the rest are burned during digestion.
That means you are less likely to have excess energy left over and stored away as fat at the end of the day, without even having changed the quantity of food you’ve eaten at all.
3. Protein boosts metabolism and resting calorie burn
Partly thanks to its higher TEF, eating protein boosts your metabolism more than other foods. That means you end up burning more calories while going about your normal day, including while you sleep!(3)
For example, studies have shown that substituting other foods with protein can increase the resting calories you burn by 80-100 kcal per day.(4) And if you’re in a calorie surplus, meaning you’re consuming more calories than you burn, this figure has been shown to be even higher, at a massive 260 calories per day!(5) That’s equivalent to an hour of moderate-intensity exercise per day. And your body’s just doing it for you.
That seems pretty great to us.
4. Prevents muscle loss and metabolic slowdown

One of the issues with dieting and restricting calories is that you can end up losing muscle mass as well as fat. That risks leaving you looking “skinny-fat”, rather than fit and lean, which is not what you want.
It will also cause a slowdown in your metabolism and put you into “starvation mode”, in which your body will burn several hundred fewer calories per day in its resting state .(6) That means you’ll need to reduce portion sizes even more just to keep any lost weight off, which not only doesn’t sound like fun, but it’s most likely not sustainable.
Think of your body as a machine – the bigger its engine, the more fuel it needs just to keep still! If you reduce the size of this engine by losing muscle, you’ll then be in danger of giving it excess fuel, which inevitably will get stored as fat. You want to keep that machine powerful and hungry, not getting smaller and smaller.
Going on a high protein diet combined with weight training will keep your muscles strong and keep you burning those calories at a high rate well after you’ve stopped dieting, helping you keep that hard-fought weight off post-diet.(7) One study for example showed that consuming 20% more protein for 3 months following a low-calorie diet led to a whopping 50% less bodyweight regain after the diet.(8)
5. It’s more sustainable than traditional diets, so you’re more likely to stick with it

Another way a protein-based diet plan will help you keep the weight off is that you’re simply less likely to want to stop dieting at all!
Unlike in other diets where the focus is on painful and difficult calorie restriction, in a high-protein diet you’re simply substituting some foods with others, rather than purposefully reducing the overall quantities you eat. It’s a swap rather than a cut.
Not only that, the range of protein-rich foods you can sub in is huge and there are some amazingly tasty options. We’re confident that you’ll find some meat-free protein-based meals and Heyday shakes so delicious that you’ll want to keep them in your diet longer term.
So how much protein should you eat if you’re trying to lose fat?
So protein gives you an “appetite advantage” by reducing your calorie intake and a “metabolic advantage” by increasing your calorie burn.
Not only that, it also helps you build those strong, toned muscles underneath the fat, giving you that 10/10 summer body.
It’s a perfect combo. But how much protein should you be eating?
The Thai RDI is roughly 55g of protein per day, or 10-15% of total daily calories. While this is the bare minimum to prevent protein deficiency, if you are trying to lose fat or build muscle it’s likely not enough.
Studies show that consuming around 30% of your daily calories from protein should work best for weight loss.(9) On an average 2,000 calorie per day diet, that equals around 150g of protein per day, but you can multiply your own typical daily calories by 0.075 to get the exact number for you.
That may seem like a lot to get from food, especially if you are on a plant-based diet! But don’t worry, simply getting closer to this number will already be a great start if you are trying to lose weight. And of course, that’s also where supplements can come in and lend a hand.
They contain protein in a much more concentrated form that what you’d get by eating the underlying foods, so they can be a more efficient and convenient way of getting that additional protein in and hitting your targets. For example, our The Fit One shake has 25g of high quality plant-based protein per (extremely delicious) 40g serving. Each serving also has 10g of fibre, which has many weight-loss qualities of its own.
Also remember to spread your protein intake throughout the day as your body will best be able to absorb it that way, and to have a protein-rich breakfast if you can to really kickstart your metabolism early in the day!